Support in Writing

I came to writing as a way to reflect upon my life.

That involved introspection and reflection on my own in front of a page and a screen. I thought back to my experiences, and also that of those around me, paying attention to what people shared, as well as what they didn’t. This provided me insight into who people are and inspired me to develop characters and dialogue.

What comes out on the page is a result of this process, and as such, writing is a solitary endeavor. Yet, I felt it was important to get support and guidance.

I started my writing journey by being part of the Elephant Journal Writing Academy. It helped me clarify my language and strengthen my writing habit.

I then partook in every single writing course Joanne Fedler had to offer. I was part of a community of writers and with all her and their support I was able to complete a first draft of a book.

Nailia Minnebaeva helped me clarify my identity as an author and get clear on what I wanted to portray.

I also needed help with editing, which is tougher than writing in the first place because this is where I put in the work to make sure everything makes sense and what is included is worth a reader’s time. I tried some on my own, and it wasn’t working. I enlisted the help of friends and friends of friends, but eventually I needed more.

I was part of a writing program with Annalisa Parent. She helped me resolve a lot of issues I had with the plot in my story and gave me tools to reflect on what I was conveying. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to complete the program. It wasn’t the right fit for me.

I faced many challenges and was left feeling incomplete. I considered giving up. I found a mentor for a short time. Kez Wickham St George helped me with guidance on some areas of the book.

Still, I needed more support. I knew I had a good story but didn’t quite know the best way to present it. Finally, I was able to find a developmental editor who helped me get the book to a place that was publishable. I worked with Jim Dempsey to get the manuscript professionally edited.

I would not be where I am without the help of all these individuals and many more, and I am grateful to them and everyone who has, is, and will be a part of my writing journey. No matter how much time I spend on my own writing and editing, it takes a supportive community to get things done.


Published in an Anthology: The Colours of Me


Cover Reveal for Embody