Red Headed Book Lover Reviewed Embody

On January 22, 2023, Red Headed Book Lover reviewed Embody. Read the full review here.

Embody is an incredible and emotive poetry book that will captivate as well as move its readers with emotion-filled moments and incredibly captivating verses! The book is one that hooked me from the beginning just as the author’s previous book in the series called Embrace did! I found that I was instantly compelled as well as intrigued from the start just as I was with the first book and I believe all readers will feel this!

Embody is a moving, captivating, and memorable collection of spiritually moving and thought-provoking verses that will take its readers on an emotive journey from start to finish. The reader in Embody will be granted insight into the author’s, Sonee Singh’s, mind as these verses are her response to her life and her life during the pandemic. The result is a collection of raw and emotive verses that will not only explore the author’s life but yours as many will see similarities to Singh’s journey. It makes for an incredible and transformative read that will make you think and help you on your journey of self-discovery and this book lovers is the premise of the wonderful Embody!

The verses laced throughout Embody captivated me from the first page thanks to the book’s sharp poems and powerful moments. The reader will be thrust into Sonee Singh’s poems with ease and I adored this approach courtesy of the talented author Sonee Singh! Singh is a writer who knows how to capture her reader’s attention with her beautiful and captivating approach. As I read Embody, I did so in a frenzy because the verses were incredibly addictive, so much so that the reader will race through the book and find it difficult to put the book down!

Sonee Singh is not only a phenomenal writer for her flawless ability to capture her reader’s attention, but she is also a great writer for her descriptive and beautiful verses which will hook her readers. I have loved Singh’s previous books Embrace as well as her novel Lonely Dove and she only continues to impress and astound me with her stunning literature! And I hope you readers want to get lost in her work – you won’t regret it!

As Embody is a sensational, compelling as well as a moving collection of verses that will provoke your thoughts as well as entertain and move you, I have no choice but to award this stellar read five stars! Be sure to have a read of the preview book lovers and be hooked!

Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much. Here is a preview of the book for all of you lovely readers to enjoy! Please have a read of the preview and if you find that you have loved what you have read then all you need to do is follow the links below!


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