The Box, Chapter 13
The Box is a short story I wrote in 2020. It inspired my second novel, Can You Be.
This is Chapter 13.
Arthur Ravenel Jr Bridge, Charleston, SC
Read below or watch/listen to the video at the bottom of the page:
Naina sat at City Lights Coffee and Holy Man, dressed in the same white linen suit, slid into the chair opposite her. He carried a coffee cup while munching on a Key Lime bar. Naina wondered when he walked in. She sat facing the doorway and had not noticed anyone come in.
“Let me see your crystal,” he said.
As always, she carried the angelite with her. She took it out and put it in his hands. He let it spin around his palm a bit and then closed his eyes and held it still in both hands. His lips moved as if reciting an incantation. He opened his eyes and his expression was solemn, a sharp contrast to his usual jovial and lighthearted way.
“You know what you love, Naina. It is something that you dedicate much of your time to.” He touched his index finger to the tip of her nose.
It brought Naina goosebumps. Until then, she had forgotten that her mother used to do that to her.
Before leaving, Holy Man said, “Repeat this to yourself, Naina. ‘I can. I will. I am.’”
Naina didn’t know what that meant, but she didn’t ask him to clarify. She went back to reading the classifieds in the Sunday paper. It seemed archaic to look for a job that way, but she figured it would help her decide what she loved to do. It was then that she noticed the sign for help wanted at the coffee shop. She asked the lady behind the counter who explained they were looking for a barista. No experience was necessary. She would be taught the day-to-day tasks. What was better, she would be paid the same hourly wage she’d had at the real estate agency.
Naina visualized herself working behind the counter. Maybe she would even learn how to have a personable attitude. Spending so much time with Raiya made her feel it was possible.
Just then, two college-looking girls walked into the coffee shop and settled at the table next to hers.
“I would give anything to have someone show me how to take care of my skin. Just a couple of natural products, and that’s it. So much of what is out there is pure hype.”
Naina knew the answer. Had she been bolder—like Raiya—she would have turned to the girls and answered their questions. She knew all about natural skincare regimes. Her skin was as smooth as fresh-woven brown silk.
Something sparked within Naina at that moment. What if, she wondered. What if she taught others how to take care of their skin in a natural way? Her simplicity and frugality had led her to discover that true skincare didn’t require expensive creams. What if this was her thing?
Watch or listen along below: