Pyramid: My Author Identity

A pyramid is the basis of my author identity

because pyramids have been beacons lighting my truth and providing stability to my writing as a profession. They deal with personal power, helping me come into my own and supporting my writing.

I have been intrigued by signs and symbols my whole life, and if you pay attention, you can find them everywhere. Each has its own meaning - circles, orbs, spirals, squares, triangles, arches, stars, and countless other shapes. A triangle represents strength and balance.

The meaning of shapes varies based on how they are displayed (2 D, 3 D, etc) and on how they appear (on their own, in repeating patterns, or sequences). A triangle in 3D is a pyramid and a pyramid is about action and amplification. Two pyramids stacked inversely form the merkaba, a symbol for divine light that is used as a tool to connect with higher realms.

But the topic of signs and symbols is beyond the scope of this post. Let me get back to my personal connection to pyramids.

When I was a child, I had no comprehension of the significance of symbols. I didn’t think about it. I only recognized pyramids were special when I learned they existed in similar forms in Egypt, temples in Asia, and Mayan structures in Mexico and Central America. I was mystified by how cultures that had no apparent contact with one another constructed these enormous yet similar structures. I knew there had to be something to it.

I remember visiting the pyramids in Teotihuacan, just outside of Mexico City, when I was a child. I was delighted when I looked up and realized how far up I would reach when I got to the top. I thought I’d be able to touch the sky. But the climb was daunting, with no end. My child legs were barely long enough to reach the next step, the stones large even for adults. The space between steps was barely wide enough to fit my small foot. Adults had to climb with their feet sideways.

I relied on handrails to pull myself up, and the more I climbed the scarier it became to look either up or down. Looking up, the climb was so steep I thought I would fall back, and looking down made me feel I could tumble below. When I reached the top, I thought someone should have awarded medals. I knew I wasn’t the only one because everyone at the top smiled at each other in a shared celebration. We had to compose ourselves before we could admire our surroundings.

Looking out from that great height, I realized how incredible it was for people to have constructed these structures so long ago. I couldn’t understand how they could do it.

I’m sure you are wondering how this experience is connected to my writing. And it is this. As I moved from writing as a hobby to a career as a writer, I was once again presented with pyramids. I wasn’t looking for them, but I saw them everywhere: logos, images of Egypt, Mexico, India, Cambodia, and other countries, oracle cards, jewelry, crystals, and emails. I couldn’t get away from them, and I knew I needed to pay attention.

Then I had an opportunity to go to Egypt in April 2019 as part of a spiritual journey organized by the publishing house Beyond Words. The grandeur of the pyramids in Giza and Saqqara took my breath away. Their presence was overwhelming, and I felt as if they were pulsating, emitting their wisdom one slow wave at a time, like a heart beating in slow motion. I didn’t know what they were saying, but I knew they were communicating with me.

When I returned from the trip, my writing moved forward more concretely. I had changes with my editor, I worked with a coach on my author platform, and I participated in a writing retreat that required I stand on a podium and talk about my writing in public for the first time. I knew the pyramids urged me on this path.

I learned pyramids are about balance and stability, and that gave me confidence. Pyramids are also about action, charging, and healing. They amplify, attract, and manifest, and that is exactly what has been happening to me. I’ve wanted to write for many years, and it was all coming together. 

Pyramids have to do with personal power and acceptance, and this is in essence what I write about. My first novel, Lonely Dove, is about a woman in her 40’s who is in search of her soulmate but has to love and accept herself. This book is in the editing process.  My second book, which I am still in the process of writing, is about an older man on the last day of his life, who reflects upon the people he loves and wonders how he can make amends. That also required personal acceptance.

I urge you to consider symbols that have significance to you. Think of things you feel connected to. You may know the reason or you may not, but that doesn’t matter. Perhaps you are drawn to shapes or intrigued by logos, or maybe symbols keep coming up. They may also be numbers, sounds, or words, which are also signs.

If nothing comes to mind, then start paying attention, and see if you notice recurring symbols or signs you connect with. You may not know what they mean or why they are coming up, but don’t ignore them. They can lead to something you are yet to uncover.

I had no idea my childhood adventure and trip as an adult would lead me here. I didn’t know why pyramids were calling out to me. I merely trusted that I had to follow. I feel as if I’ve only scratched the surface of what pyramids can do.

May you connect with the magic in symbols and may you trust in your soul’s destination.


Why I Write